Dive into our colour themes for inspiration. Explore "Peaceful Neutrals"
where the most serene natural tones come together, or indulge in "Floral Fashion" featuring shades like Apricot and Fondant Pink. And for those seeking something bolder, check out our "All Green & Blues" collection for more rugged designs.
And let's not forget our "Happy Tones" collection, a stripe-inspired lineup where we've matched colours from our plain collection.
As we always say, the stripes make the uni colours more fun!
It's safe to say that our Fishermanslamps are here to stay.
With their versatility in colour and length, they're the perfect addition
to any design, no matter the season.
Colours and Sizes

Prices and sizes of the plain colors:
4-rings approx size 85/100 cm €325
5-rings approx size 115/130 cm €375
6-rings approx size 145/160 cm €435
8-rings approx size 205/220 cm €595
9-rings approx size 235/250 cm €700
11-rings approx size 295/310 cm €875
13-rings approx size 355/370 cm €1035
(The Multi Coloured Fishermanslamps are plus 20%)
For special request, wholesale prices and fun assignments
(which we love to do) you can always email us.